Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Christian Sex Ed Classes?

Ha, not really, but close. I am not teaching "sex ed" but today I started teaching abstinence, sexual purity, and being Godly men and women in Bible class today. I will teach two classes every Wednesday morning for 45 minutes each. The first class was 13-14 year olds, and they all kind of just stared at me, but they need to hear this stuff anyway. However, the second class was 15-18, and they seemed to really enjoy it. They responded to questions and were very involved. I am really excited about this opportunity to work with the students in secondary. These students deal with the exact same struggles and temptations that we do in the States.

I am also temporarily teaching English in primary until we get another teacher. It's fun, but I am busy all the time. I really don't know how to teach and do lesson plans.

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