Friday, October 8, 2010

El Dia de la Biblia

A couple of Sundays ago there was a national holiday for the Bible. Most churches had special events planned for that day, and my friends from El Crucero invited me to their church service. Unfortunately, we are in middle of the rainy season, and without fail it was raining that morning. I was told to meet them at kilometer 27 on Carretera del Sur (Southern Highway). Nothing here has an address, so I was already a little anxious about finding the exact place they were going to be. So, I got off the bus from San Marcos at km 27, and of course, I saw nothing. So I started walking hoping to hear some music or see some people. I was wearing a rain jacket, but it wasn't doing much good. I also tried to call my friends but I was out of minutes. (Perfect timing, huh). So I just kept on walking because I knew they had to be close, and I only needed to go over the next hill. Well, many hills later I still hadn't found them so I decided to hop on another bus that was passing by and go to my friends house in El Crucero. At least I would be out of the rain. The bus dropped me off in the heart of El Crucero, which isn't much at all, and I saw a lot of people with umbrellas standing around a long flat-bed trailer. It just happened to be the group I was looking for. My Spanish isn't the best, but I know they didn't tell me it was going to be there. I found out they had decided to move it at the last minute because of the rain. I'm glad I was informed of that, but there is nothing better than walking a few kilometers in the soaking rain on a major highway in a third world country. Not many people get that experience. But I was still impressed with the determination of the church to continue their worship service rain or shine. Nothing was going to stop them from singing praises to our Lord. It might be hard to see, but the picture above is the church group still singing after more than an hour. I have to admit that I went inside my friend's house after a while. It is conveniently located right across the street. It was just one of those experiences I had to share.

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