Two things here are really moving forward. First, this weekend I took an all-expense-paid trip to San Juan del Sur for Ave Maria University. Actually, they gave me $50 and I had to spend less than that. But that wasn't a problem for me since I am so good at being thrifty. Ave Maria wanted me to investigate the possiblity of bringing groups there for weekend surf trips. They had a hard time convincing me to go, because there were so many other things I'd rather do than go to the beach and surf. Are you kidding?! I was ecstatic. I went by myself, and it was a very successfull trip. I found some great places to stay with a group of about 15 to 20 and transportation to all the great surf spots. The only downside was that I left my rash guard on the beach, but hopefully my new friends from there picked it up for me because I told them exactly where I left it. I can actually see it laying on a rock far down the beach it in one of the pictures I took. The pictures are from Playa Romanso, and the waves were beautiful. However, the purpose of me telling you all this is because the University is seriously considering a paid position for me as a "Water Sports Excursions Instructor / Sports Director." I really just made that title up, but it will be something like that. And this trip was the beginning of making that all happen. It would be so amazing to bring a group of students here and be able to surf and play during the day and then have worship around a big bonfire on the beach at night.

Second, the Ave Maria Knights football team is getting better. We had our second football game this past Sunday. And when I say we were so close to winning, I am not just saying that. We were SO close. It almost hurt worse when we lost. We had two touchdowns called back, and at the end of the game we were on the 5 yard line and all we needed to do was punch it in the endzone, but we have no running game. The offensive can't push the D-line back or give us any holes to run through. The final score was 14-8, and I know we gained more yards on offense than the other team. The one good thing that is coming from all this is that the students are hearing about our games and know that we are getting better. Our next game is this Saturday at home (the Ave Maria Campus), so I am sure we will get a lot more support for this one. Hopefully we come out with a victory.

One short spiritual note so you all know I am not here just playing around. I have been praying that God would give me opportunities to share His love with others. So, yesterday I was talking with two friends on campus. One of them mentioned how she had been feeling down recently, and that's why she was smoking a cigarette. We've talked before about our faiths, and she had shared that she is a relatively new Christian. I told her I was sorry she was feeling low but didn't know what to do to lift her spirits. Luckily, I had my iPod with me and was listening to my "Jesus Music" playlist. It was actually playing softly in one ear as I was talking with them cause I had been listening to it all morning, and one of my favorite songs (my mother's too) was playing - "The Old Rugged Cross." I told them that whenever I am feeling a little down I listen to this playlist and it makes me feel better. So, I gave them my earphones and let them listen to the song. I even told them a little story of how that particular song had impacted me deeply a few Easters ago in Costa Rica. So they sat and listened to a song that so easily, yet powerfully, explains the Gospel message. When the song was over the girl said that she honestly felt better, and the other guy with her said that he really liked the song too. I don't know about his faith, but maybe soon. I just really liked how God gave me that little opportunity and all I had to do was hit play on my iPod.
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