I don't think I have mentioned that I am staying with a guy named Pan. He really lives up to his name, because he has a worse "Peter Pan" syndrome than I do. (Never grow up!) He is in his early 40s, I think, but he looks to be in his late 20s. On the third night I was here in Culebra, after a long day of surfing, we were sitting in the common area, and he was sharing some of his opinions and thoughts about life. And boy does he have some strong opinions. All you can really do is just sit there and listen. At one point he stopped and asked me, "Before I bash Christians, I should probably ask if you are one."
My response was a little more lengthy, but it basically was something like this, "The term 'Christian' has so many negative stereotypes, so I just like to say that I love Jesus."
Pan went on to share his views, and I was able to get a few thoughts in myself when I could, but once again that is not the main point of this blog. Since that night I have been hoping a praying for another opportunity to share more deeply what I believe. But I knew from the things that he had shared that "Christians" in the past had rubbed him the wrong way, and I wanted to be a different example. One that was loving like Christ and not condemning.
Today is Tuesday, and yesterday Pan and I spent 4 hours digging and planting trees with two other guys on the island (which helps pay my rent). The night before I had prayed again that God would give me a chance to share more with Pan. After much digging and sweating over our 4th hole in rocky soil, Pan started talking about the Earth and the Apocalypse. He asked me, "Well, you read the Bible, what do you think?"
Wow, this is perfect, I thought. I didn't share too much about my thoughts on the book of Revelation, because it's not much, and then led the conversation to the fact that Jesus was coming back for His people, people who love and follow Him.
(Side note: In my first conversation with Pan, he said something about Jesus, and then added, "Well...if He really existed." This time I was able to share that most other religions acknowledge Jesus as a great man or prophet, but there are really only 3 options for Him: a lunatic, a liar, or our Lord and Savior. I choose option 3!)
That eventually led to Pan saying, "If you are good and take care of the Creation" (he is a very earthy kind of guy), "then I'm sure this God will let you in to His heaven."
"Well, what do you think is the standard for good?" I asked.
To keep this blog short, because our conversation lasted probably 30 minutes, I was able to share the complete gospel message that we can't get to Heaven on our own works, but that Jesus had to come and be that perfect sacrifice for our mess-ups. I was so thrilled to have been given this opportunity, and it was a wonderfully-easy conversation (not dispute or debate) filled with love and not condemnation just like John 3:17, which I was able to quote to them. Plus, the other two guys who were helping dig overheard the entire gospel message as well!
Praise God for answered prayers! I don't know why He is so good to me, but I am glad to be used for Him.
By the way, in the picture above my two friends from Pan's Camp (that's what we call it) and I are standing beside Pan's van as we wait to leave the beach.