Yesterday, Cesar (a good friend of mine who has a strong passion for ministry), Orlando (a new friend who was deported from the States but has given his life to the Lord), and I rode around to certain areas in Nicaragua. We were hoping to meet up with a couple of pastors and discuss dreams of a camp ministry. Unfortunately, we missed both pastors due to falty time scheduling, a common problem in Nicaragua. But all-in-all it turned out to be a very interesting day. When Cesar picked me up from MQV in his ’72 VW Bug, he mentioned getting new shocks but since then the steering has had more play than usual. There was also no AC and the windows wouldn't roll down; only the little ones by the side mirrors that pull in. It got hot quick!
"Great. See. This isn't going to do any good," I thought.
But we prayed for a long time because we weren't going to be anywhere for a while. After that first jerk to the left, there wasn't another one the whole way home. Cesar was amazed, and I was too for that matter. God answered the desperate prayers of two faithful Nicas and one doubtful gringo.
Cesar told me today that he drove the Bug to church and still hasn't had a problem. To me that is unbelieveable because the car was starting to pull hard left every 30 seconds or so before we prayed. One thing to be learned from this is that prayer works, even when our faith is tiny (like a mustard seed, maybe).
:)Praying for you all!
ReplyDeleteAhhh, brother. I love your commentary of your life in Nicaraugua and the lessons God is teaching you. You make me laugh..."one doubtful gringo."
ReplyDeleteWe will miss you at Thanksgiving. I asked Lake who we were going to see tomorrow in AL. "Grandma" was his first reply, and then "Scotty." I had to tell him that, no, Scotty was in Nicaraugua telling people how much Jesus loves them. He seemed satisfied with that. But you will be missed! Love you,
awesome story scotty. God is sooooo FAITHFUL.
ReplyDeletebut on another note, do you really say "honging"? or did you just make a typo 4 times meaning to say honking? haha.
Thanks for reading and commenting.
ReplyDeleteJill - It's cool that 1st grade friends keep in touch.
Kimi - I am glad Lake knows his long-lost uncle. I will miss you all for Thanksgiving.
Carol - Thanks for pointing out my faults. You always know you have a good friend when they tell you what you are doing wrong. :)
Scotty this story had me laughing out loud, literally. The funny thing is I seem to find myself in situations like this all the time and I don’t live in Nicaragua. I might fit in there, especially with the whole “faulty time scheduling” thing. I am so proud of you and the work you are doing in Nicaragua. I have had a lot going on and have to confess that I have not been praying for you. Your story made me realize how much we are dependent on prayer. I promise to lift you and the work you are doing up to the Lord more frequently now! Love ya!!!