Monday, November 30, 2009
The Next Simon
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
The Container is here!! (Kind of)
This should have been posted last Wednesday, but I finally have the pictures and a connection on my computer.

Leo and I went to Managua to monitor the unloading of the container that had arrived from the States. It was full of food, computers, toys, and other supplies for New Hope and MQV. (Thanks Dad for all the hard work packing.) I was told that it would only be a few hours and I would be back by 12:30 in time for my singing class with the students. I should have known better - I am in Nicaragua - but it was 6 hours later before we returned.
We arrived at a big warehouse were the container was waiting to be unloaded. It was not at the loading dock, so we had to go back to the trucking company and pay $50 for them to move it about 100 feet. Then we sat and watched as 10+ workers unloaded everything and placed it in the warehouse. One man counted all the boxes as it was unloaded. I don't understand this process, because in about a week they will have to load it back into the container to be delivered to El Crucero, oh well. And of course, it took a while to get started unloading and then they had to break for lunch for an hour. (Although, I was honestly glad that they made them leave to eat lunch.) Once everything was unloaded and in the warehouse, we were told - on the phone as we were driving home - that the final count of items didn't match the list we had. So we turned around the recount it ourselves, because if they find just one item of they will ask us for a "gift" to overlook the problem. We found our list to be accurate, but I found out the we still paid them a "gift" of $25 to keep the process moving, because we would like our container sooner than later. And things here are normally later.
We hope to be unloading the container here at MQV by the end of this week. Cross your fingers.
Sunday, November 22, 2009
God really does care about the small things...
Yesterday, Cesar (a good friend of mine who has a strong passion for ministry), Orlando (a new friend who was deported from the States but has given his life to the Lord), and I rode around to certain areas in Nicaragua. We were hoping to meet up with a couple of pastors and discuss dreams of a camp ministry. Unfortunately, we missed both pastors due to falty time scheduling, a common problem in Nicaragua. But all-in-all it turned out to be a very interesting day. When Cesar picked me up from MQV in his ’72 VW Bug, he mentioned getting new shocks but since then the steering has had more play than usual. There was also no AC and the windows wouldn't roll down; only the little ones by the side mirrors that pull in. It got hot quick!
"Great. See. This isn't going to do any good," I thought.
But we prayed for a long time because we weren't going to be anywhere for a while. After that first jerk to the left, there wasn't another one the whole way home. Cesar was amazed, and I was too for that matter. God answered the desperate prayers of two faithful Nicas and one doubtful gringo.
Cesar told me today that he drove the Bug to church and still hasn't had a problem. To me that is unbelieveable because the car was starting to pull hard left every 30 seconds or so before we prayed. One thing to be learned from this is that prayer works, even when our faith is tiny (like a mustard seed, maybe).
Monday, November 16, 2009
Dale pues (Okay then)
I have returned for a variety of reasons: to visit my friends and the children in the orphan home, see the students in the school and adults in the technical school, continue working in after-school activities with the students, seek out and learn more about other ministries in Nicaragua, and to take some time to visit the beautiful sites that I missed last time.
This first week was a wonderful start to my short time here. The morning after I arrived I visited the school (which is just across the road from my room) and was bombarded with hugs from all the little niños in the school. When they first saw me they had the most surprised look on their faces. It was very heartwarming because it made me feel loved and missed. I have spent the majority of my time the first few days reuniting with my Nica friends.
It feels like I have already accomplished a lot in
just 7 days, but I will only briefly discuss one item which took place in a remote village about and hour from El Crucero. Leo, myself, and two boys from the orphan home took equipment to show a movie at a small church in that village. I started the night by leading worship with the only three songs I know in Spanish. Then we showed the movie (it was a New Testament story about building your “house” on the Rock). I then followed up with a short message, which Leo translated, and prayer. Even though it was very hot and humid, it was such an amazing experience that I don’t think I could ever get tired of doing.
More updates are to follow, because I don’t want this first one to be so long that you look at it and decide to read it later. But if you are like me you never get around to it.
It feels like I have already accomplished a lot in
More updates are to follow, because I don’t want this first one to be so long that you look at it and decide to read it later. But if you are like me you never get around to it.
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