Leadership classes are now underway. We had our first class this past Saturday. It has taken a while for everything to get started, but that is just the Nicaraguan way. I am getting used to it. Ten minutes usually means more like thirty or more. There are about 90 people enrolled. I teach 4 classes for 1 hour and 15 minutes each on Saturday. It was moved to Saturday instead of four days a week to make it easier for people who have to travel long distances. Now they only have to travel on day. However, that makes for a pretty long day, but the classes are good because the people want to be there and want to learn. Melvin is my interpreter; he is the guy standing up beside me in the photo. I enjoy teaching this class because I am learning a lot about leadership myself. It is a class based on the leadership principles we find in the Bible. And, of course, our main source of information is Jesus. I anticipate there being a lot of discussion from the class. I already had two people get into what could have become a heated argument, but me being the very wise and experienced teacher that I am (ha!), I quickly stepped in and resolved the issue. They were "discussing" whether or not someone is born a leader or if it is learned. After letting them each share a little, I interceded and told the class that we would discuss this issue and then shared a little on the subject myself. After I shared, they both nodded their heads and said, "That's what I was trying to say." I couldn't help from laughing at myself, because if anyone knows me (Beth and Greg) you know that I am never the best with words. I guess that goes to show that I am not the one teaching, He is (pointing up); I am just the body up front.
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