Well, I have been taking Spanish classes as a student now for over a week every MWF. It was a little difficult for me to fork over the money for the 4 hour credit class, but I believe it will pay off. I now have full access to the university and can start private tutoring. I have a tutoring session tonight at 8pm. I need to refresh myself on Statistics, though. Here at the university I have already made a ton of friends. Though, of course, I stand out a little bit and everyone wants to know who the new gringo on campus is.
I also sent my resume to the university and sat down with the Dean of Students. As we talked, I shared about my interests and my work in the ministry and at K-Wet, but I said that finding a water sports ministry here in Nicaragua might be hard to do. The dean quickly responded saying that interestingly enough just a week ago the board of directors at Ave Maria had mentioned wanting to start a "group" or "club" that was focused on such excursions like water sports, surfing, kayaking, hiking and mountain climbing. He found that to be quite a coincidence that I arrived in his office just a week after that meeting. So, opportunities are opening up. I just need to keep praying a see which direction God really wants me to go.
I am also helping with the football team both as a coach and quarterback. It is a lot of fun but very difficult to keep the students disciplined. Not everyone shows up at practice everyday. In the States they would be cut from the team immediately, but here we wouldn't have a team if that were the case. We'll really find out how good we are during our first game. We were supposed to have one this past Saturday, but it was cancelled. Rain is constantly falling here. I guess a lot of it is from the tropical storms.
I miss you all.

I decided to at least put some photos on this blog. These are from La Boquita, the closest beach to where I am staying. I went one Sunday afternoon to check it out. There wasn't much to do because the water was so dirty from the tremendous amount of rain we have been having. I didn't have any desire to swim in mud.